Doors. It' s always about doors. I should have kept open some of them and other ones should have been closed or never been opened. So the question is always the same: what the hell do I have to do?
A guy at university says me that I'm always smiling so it seems I'm not a boring person. He is a kind guy and maybe he's right. 90% of time I just smile because it's free and I think it's better give positive energy instead of bad one. People trust me. Even if I have a lot on my plate right now and I'm not sure about my future, I think I'm still a positive person outside. People need someone who says "don't worry, everything's going right" and this is who I am. Ok, this post is supposed to be about doors. I don't know if mine are still closed or open. I'm just trying to float, I feel like nothing is for ever, each relation I'm building as well.
Archive for November 2012
posted by Leb on here I am, tomorrow is another day