28, senior teaching assistant.
"Scrivere è una forma sofisticata di silenzio" (AB)
"There are some fish that cannot be caught. It's not that they're faster or stronger than other fish. They're just touched by something extra. Call it luck. Call it grace." (Big Fish)
"Not all those who wander are lost" (JRRT)
Myopic, often better listener than talker, really curious, enthusiastic about everything's new, quite good walker, photographer inside, according to my studies: a kind of economist, would-be rockstar, would-be athlete, wanna be traveller, sometimes just a little bit nerd, well-organized outside and messy inside, food lover, chocolate addicted.
Ho avuto diverse vite. Non tutte belle, ma tutte mie.
Sono molto brava a ricominciare (soprattutto da zero). Ho incredibili capacità di organizzazione di valigie e traslochi.
Scrivo in analogico da sempre, scrivo in digitale dal 2005.
Amo gli elenchi puntati.
E le porte chiuse dietro le spalle.
Terrible at describing myself.
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