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posted by Leb on

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So I had to create this blog for an English project.

I've been on bloggers' world since 2005, when Facebook was far from being a real thing and blogs were considered something for "nerd" people (in Italy).
I like writing really much and I started my blog because I didn't want to lose my good habit of writing what happened around me.
Now I'm trying to write in English, without using Google Translator of course :-), so I apologize for some mistakes you're probably reading.
I listen to a lot of English music and the most I know about this language depends on a long list of songwriters (and on a lot of exams (high school/university)too).
And I usually watch my favourite tv series in original language with Italian subtitles, I'm partial for English/American pronunciation.

I have to study very much, I'll get some tests very soon, so I don't know if I'll be a good blogger.
Enjoy your stay here!